Author : Dharmesh Thakker
Infrastructure Software
🔥 vs. ❄️: Databricks and Snowflake Face Off as AI…
Data has gravity, and Snowflake and Databricks* proved this last week at their annual user…
“Sound Bites” with Bill Binch and Dharmesh Thakker, Featuring Stacey…
Application Software
Consumption Pricing Models Are Here to Stay
This post originally appeared on our Condensing the Cloud Substack, read it in full here.
‘ZIRP’ No More: A Founder Playbook for the Market Downturn
This post originally appeared on our Condensing the Cloud Substack, read it in full here.
Must Reads
Today’s Fast-Growing, Cloud-Computing Giants Are Defying Gravity
Isaac Newton, the English scientist known for promulgating the laws of motion and gravity and…
Must Reads
OpenCloud 2022: How to Navigate Stormy Markets and Other Tips…
Much has changed since our first OpenCloud four years ago. We’ve lived through a global…
Infrastructure Software
It’s All About the Data
As a data scientist, there’s a good chance that you’ve experienced the frustration that stems…
Infrastructure Software
The Missing Link in Machine Learning: Why We’re Excited About…
Nearly a year ago, we published our thesis on machine learning (ML) observability and announced…
Infrastructure Software
What Recent Cloud-Company Earnings Reports Say About the Current Economic…
The economic news is mostly bad these days: The NASDAQ Composite Index is down roughly…
Infrastructure Software
Securing the Data Cloud: Our Investment in Normalyze, and Why…
Earlier this year we penned our thesis on the cloud-native security stack. Core to our…
Must Reads
How’s That Unicorn Valuation Working Out for Your Employees? A…
Despite the market volatility roiling the tech sector right now, most founders still seem intent…
Must Reads
So You’re A European, B2B Startup Hoping To ‘Hop The…
Many companies are scooping up bigger chunks of venture capital from European and U.S. investors—and, increasingly, moving large parts of…