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Founder Resources
Rebecca Buckman
Why Employee Experience Matters, Especially Now—and How Companies of All…
We recently invited consultant Rebecca Goldsmith of C-Level Stories to speak with us about the principles of employee experience that…
Founder Resources
Chelsea Stoner
What I See in Steve Case’s Revolution—Actually, a Long History…
Steve Case may have made heartland investing en vogue, but in this post Battery's Chelsea Stoner analyzes her 15 years…
Founder Resources
Neeraj Agrawal
T2D3 Software Update: Embracing the Founder to CEO (F2C) Journey
It’s been four years since TechCrunch published my blog post The SaaS Adventure, which introduced…
Founder Resources
Shiran Shalev
So You Want to Launch a Startup in Israel in…
Fast, hacky, and efficient -- those have been both the strengths and the weaknesses of…
Founder Resources
Powered by Battery
Talking Tech Regulation, Privacy and Free Speech with “The Decider”,…
The Powered by Battery podcast features guests from inside and outside the Battery ecosystem discussing…
Founder Resources
Powered by Battery
The #CloudCulture Competition Heats Up. Here’s Who’s Topping The Highest-Rated…
The Highest-Rated Cloud Computing Companies to Work For rankings, which highlight private and public, B2B-focused cloud companies with stellar records…
Founder Resources
Building Better: Battery Ventures & Sprinklr
Founder Resources
Powered by Battery
“Hopping the Pond” with Derek Roos, CEO of Mendix
How one company’s CEO led the transformation from a small, European startup to a major U.S. technology player by "hopping…
Founder Resources
Neeraj Agrawal
Let Immigrants Innovate—in the U.S.
We have to change the immigration narrative. Immigrant innovators are central to our country's success and we must protect their…
Founder Resources
Powered by Battery
Lessons in “Hopping the Pond” from Collibra’s Felix Van de…
Collibra’s story offers lessons for European B2B tech companies in the midst of "hopping the pond" to the U.S.
Founder Resources
Rebecca Buckman
Tear Down That Wall—and Build Startups
The offices of fin-tech company Zeitgold* look like those of any typical Silicon Valley startup:…
Founder Resources
Powered by Battery
What Drives the Highest Rated Cloud Computing Companies to Work…
What drives the highest rated cloud companies to work for? And just how important is company culture and employee happiness…