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Battery News & Market Trends
Neeraj Agrawal, Brandon Gleklen, Olivia Henkoff  |  October 5, 2023
Not Just Weathering the Storm: How Today’s Cloud Companies are Cultivating Happy Employees and Brighter Workplaces
Battery Ventures

It’s been a stormy period for the technology industry lately. Many cloud companies have had to reckon with the broader industry shift from “growth at all costs” to more-disciplined growth plans—which often means more-restrained spending—amid market unpredictability.

Even in the best of times, ensuring employee satisfaction while continuing to scale, innovate and support new and existing customers is a challenge that tests the hardiest technology leaders. But when a cloud company rises to that challenge, it pays off in dividends: Research has suggested happy employees can lead to happier customers, as well as higher team productivity and firm performance.

To that end, we are thrilled to unveil our sixth Highest-Rated Cloud-Computing Companies to Work For list today, assembled with data provided by Glassdoor* to recognize, very deservedly, the cloud companies that have built stellar and resilient company culture in a very tumultuous time.

Key Findings

Our biggest takeaway is that cloud companies across industries can all be great companies to work for. This year’s winning companies span industries including security, cloud storage, financial software, customer experience, data governance, marketing and advertising technology and more. Even in challenging economic times, where you may expect certain industries to be hit harder than others, companies across the cloud can be fantastic work environments.

A Battery survey of the top 10 private companies revealed that many have invested in fostering inclusive corporate culture by maintaining transparent and consistent communication with employees, through employee engagement surveys, town hall meetings and even monthly “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) sessions with the executive team.

Our survey also found that these companies offer highly competitive benefits packages, including education and professional-development stipends, mental health and wellness/perk stipends, generous paid time off, fertility assistance — even on-site childcare.

Silicon Valley 2.0

As we’ve seen in previous years, California remains a hotspot for both technology company HQs and employee satisfaction — even increasingly so this year. Compared to the last list we issued in December 2021, we saw an eight percentage-point increase in the number of public companies based in California and a 16 percentage-point increase in the number of private companies.

The top 25 public companies have 25.9% of their employees based in the same state as their respective headquarters, a number that jumps to 31.3% for the top five public companies. By comparison, 18.3% of employees at the top 25 private companies are based in the same state as their respective HQs, versus 23.7% of employees at the top five private companies. One of the hardest challenges of managing a scaling cloud company is expanding operations into new regions, and the companies on this list have clearly managed that transition successfully.

2023 Company Lists

Without further ado, here are the 25 highest-rated public and private cloud-computing companies to work for in 2023:

Methodology: To be considered, a cloud company must have received at least 30 company reviews on Glassdoor between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. The private-company report tracks independent, non-public cloud companies that, according to Battery research and data from research service Crunchbase, are based in the U.S.; have a B2B business model; are categorized as SaaS, software, cloud computing and/or enterprise software, according to Crunchbase; have more than 200 employees as of 9/7/2023, according to company data provided to LinkedIn; and have raised funding on or after 7/1/2019. The public-company report tracks public cloud companies with a B2B business model that are listed on a US-based stock exchange and have at least $500 million in total enterprise value as of the end of Q2 2023, according to CapIQ.

*By a company name denotes a current or past Battery investment. For a full list of all Battery investments and exits, please click here.

**By a company name denotes a company that went private after 6/30/23.

The information provided is solely intended for the use of entrepreneurs, corporate CEOs and founders regarding Battery Ventures’ potential financing capabilities for prospective portfolio companies. The information is current as of the date it was published. The contents are not intended to be used in the investment decision-making process related to any product or fund managed by Battery Ventures. No assumption should be made that the investments identified above were or will be profitable. It should also not be assumed that recommendations made in the future will be profitable or equal the performance of the companies identified above. Battery Ventures has no obligation to update, modify or amend the content of this report nor notify its readers in the event that any information, opinion, projection, forecast or estimate included, changes or subsequently becomes inaccurate.

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